PES Women is made up of representatives from all PES member parties.
PES Women has its own executive bureau, which is made up of its president, four vice-presidents and the bureau members. These are all elected by PES Women members every two and a half years.
Elke Ferner
PES Women Vice-President
Katrine Skov
PES Women Vice-President
Sonja Kovac
PES Women Vice-President
Rosário Gambôa
PES Women Vice-President
PES Women Executive Members:
- Rhonda Donaghey, Labour Party (Ireland)
- Cecilia Gondard, PS (France)
- Jackie Jones, LP (UK)
- Michaela Kauer, SPÖ (Austria)
- Katarzyna Kotula, NL (Poland)
- Emmi Lintonen, SPD (Finland)
- Roulla Mavronikola, EDEK (Cyprus)
- Pille Petersoo, SDP (Estonia)
- Inga Verhaert, Vooruit (Belgium)
- Vera Tax, PvdA (Netherlands)
Ex-Officio Members:
- Evelyn Logghe, YES
- Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, S&D FEMM
- Laeticia Thissen, FEPS
- Katta Tüttő, PES Group CoR
- Carola Ebhardt, Rainbow Rose
PES Women member organisations
- Austria: SPÖ Frauen (Social Democratic Women), SPÖ
- Belgium: Zij Kant, SpA
- Belgium: Commission Interfédérale des Femmes (Inter-federal Women’s commission), PS
- Bulgaria: Обединение на жените-социалистки (Bulgaria Union of Socialist Women), BSP
- Croatia: Socijaldemokratski Forum Žena (Croatia Social Democratic Women’s Forum), SDP
- Czech Rep: Sociálně demokratické ženy (Czech Republic Social democratic women), CSSD
- Cyprus: Σοσιαλιστική Γυναικεία Κίνηση (Cyprus Socialists Women’s Movement), EDEK
- Denmark: Socialdemokratiets Udvalg for Køn og Ligestilling (Committee of Gender and Equality) and Helga Network, SD
- Estonia: Naiskogu Kadri (Women Association Kadri), SDE
- Finland: Sosialidemokraattiset Naiset (Finland Social Democratic Women), SDP
- France: Secretariat National au droit de la femme (National Secretariat for Women’s rights), PS
- Germany: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialdemokratischer Frauen der SPD (Working group of social democratic women in the SPD)
- Greece: ΠΑΣΟΚ Τμήμα Ισότητας των φύλων (Department of Gender Equality), PASOK
- Hungary: MSZP Nőtagozata (HSP Women organisation), MSZP
- Iceland: Kvennahreyfing Samfylkingarinnar (Iceland Social democratic Women’s Network), SDA
- Ireland: Labour Women, Labour Party
- Italy: Conferenza delle donne, PD
- Italy: Commissione delle donne (Women’s Commission), PSI
- Lithuania: Lietuvo Socialdemokraciu Moteru Sajunga (Lithuanian Social Democratic Women’s Union), LSDP
- Luxemburg: Femmes Socialistes (Luxembourg Socialist Women), LSAP
- Malta: Nisa Laburisti (Women’s Labour), PL
- Netherlands: Rooie Vrouwen in de PvdA (Red Women in the PvdA)
- Northern Ireland: Social Democratic and Labour Party Women, SDLP
- Norway: Arbeiderpartiets Kvinnenettverk (The Norwegian Labour Party Women’s Network), DNA
- Portugal: Mulheres Socialistas – Igualdade e Direitos (Socialist Women – Equality and Rights), PS
- Romania: Organizatia de Femei a PSD (Romania Women Organisation of the PSD)
- Slovenia: Ženski forum Socialnih demokratov (SD Slovenia Women Forum), SD
- Spain: Secretaría para la igualdad (Secretariat for Equality), PSOE
- Sweden: S-kvinnor (Social Democratic Women in Sweden), SD
- Switzerland: Sozialdemokratische Frauen der Schweiz (Switzerland Social Democratic Women of Switzerland), SDP
- UK: Labour Women’s network – Labour Party
- Turkey: CHP Kadın Kolları (CHP Women)
Ex-officio member organisations
- YES (Young European Socialists)
- FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies)
- PES Group in the European Committee of the Regions
- S&D Group – FEMM Committee